logoHexagon AB


Who is Hexagon?
Hexagon is the global leader in digital reality solutions, combining sensor, software and autonomous technologies. Our solutions free our customers to harness the rapidly-increasing amounts of data, putting it to work to boost efficiency, productivity, quality and safety across industrial, manufacturing, infrastructure, public sector and mobility applications.

Our unique strategy.
Hexagon’s strategy targets the rapidly widening gap between the enormous amounts of data being created and the world’s ability to harness it. For more than a decade, literally billions of ‘things’ — sensors and devices — are being connected to the internet. Our unique approach is to create value by freeing our customers to actually use all this data — to put it to work in new, world-changing ways.

The outcomes we seek.
At our very core is a powerful vision of a future where data is fully leveraged so that business, industry and humanity sustainably thrive. We believe in a world where economic growth does not come at the expense of the planet and its people, and that we should drive sustainability efforts in every aspect of our business.

Our goal is to empower our customers with the freedom to use data to its greatest potential — the freedom to innovate, the freedom to thrive, the freedom to ensure a sustainable planet for future generations.

Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) has approximately 24,000 employees in 50 countries and net sales of approximately 5.2bn EUR. Learn more at hexagon.com and follow us @HexagonAB.

Optimism at scale
Watch Hexagon’s President and CEO Paolo Guglielmini deliver his keynote address at HxGN LIVE Global 2023 in Las Vegas, as he takes the audience on an extraordinary journey. Discover how realism and optimism are aligned and why realistic optimism is a strategic course of action.

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