logoMecSoft Corporation


MecSoft Corporation 是为减材(CNC 加工)和增材(3D 打印)制造行业提供独立和集成 CAD/CAM 软件解决方案的开发商。MecSoft 成立于 1997 年,是一家技术领导者,通过我们位于加利福尼亚州尔湾的全球总部开发、营销和支持我们的 CAM 软件产品。我们专注于开发简单、强大且经济实惠的 CAD/CAM 软件解决方案,我们的目标是继续为制造专业人士提供性价比最高的 CNC 和 3D 打印软件。

我们不仅提供独立的CAD,CAM和3D打印产品,而且还与McNeel & Associates,Alibre和Onshape等一流的CAD和设计系统提供商合作,为我们的CAM和3D打印产品提供最先进的设计前端应用程序。

MecSoft Corporation is a developer of standalone, as well as integrated CAD/CAM software solutions for both the subtractive (CNC machining) and additive (3D printing) manufacturing industries. Founded in 1997, MecSoft is a technology leader that develops, markets and supports our CAM software products from our world headquarters in Irvine, CA. With a focus on developing easy, powerful, and affordable CAD/CAM software solutions, our goal is to continue to provide manufacturing professionals with the best price-to-performance CNC and 3D printing software.

We not only provide standalone CAD, CAM and 3D Printing products but also partner with best of breed CAD and design system providers such as McNeel & Associates, Alibre and Onshape to provide state of the art design front end applications for our CAM and 3D Printing products.

RhinoCAM是用于CNC的计算机辅助加工(CAM)插件,完全在Rhinoceros 5.0内部运行。这个插件是针对一般机械师的通用加工程序。RhinoCAM将Rhino自由造型的强大功能与VisualCAM的传奇加工功能相结合,为您提供
VisualCAD – 完全免费的 CAD 软件 VisualCAD具有现代化的用户界面,可以轻松高效地创建2D和3D曲线以及3D曲面,实体和网格。凭借完整的几何创建和操作工具集以及快速着色图形和渲染,VisualCAD是初次使用CAD用
  VisualCAD/CAM 是我们独立的 CAD/CAM 软件包,是当今市场上最有价值的 CAD/CAM 系统。它包括   完全免费的CAD程序VisualCAD。   MecSoft的旗舰CAM软件程序VisualCAM