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ilmStar includes a powerful but easy-to-use equation processor based on AWK, a programming language named after its three Bell Labs developers and symbolized by a bird with the same pronunciation.

In FilmStar, AWK enables User-Defined Functions, Double Dispersion (very thin films!), and n&k for Alloys and Mixed Materials. Complications like Temperature-Dependent Indices are readily modeled. If you need these advanced capabilities, you need FilmStar!

Learn more! Optimize User-Defined Functions in the DESIGN Free Version. View our PowerPoint (or YouTube) and e-mail or phone (+1 609-924-6222) to arrange a personal online presentation.

FilmStar 光学薄膜软件是一套用于设计、制造和测量光学涂层的Windows程序。通过高真空沉积将涂层应用于玻璃和其他表面。FilmStar 以其易用性和与沉积监测器和分光光度计的连接性而著称。FilmStar 在其用户自定义和自动化能