

Over 40 years Alma has built up a reputation as the leading specialist in automatic nesting of complex shapes for cutting. Alma is a leading developer of CAD/CAM software for sheet metal working, cutting and robotics. Alma is constantly growing, is present in 8 countries and is represented in many other countries via its distribution network.

Ever since the company was created, we have been designing innovative software solutions to optimize consumption of material and the potential of machines and robots. We have always supported the development of emerging technologies, and to do so we work in close collaboration with manufacturers of machine tools and robotized systems. The equivalent of 20% of our turnover is invested in R&D each year.

We offer the most comprehensive range of CAD/CAM software for cutting in every form, sheet metal working and mechanical welding: cutting by fluid jet, punching, milling/routing, 5-axis cutting, robotized cutting, cutting of circular and oblong tubes, folding/unfolding, robotized arc welding, etc.

支持广泛的机器和技术要求,在编程的每一步 - 从部分准备到数控码生成,包括嵌套和工具路径定义 - CAD/CAM 切割软件 Almacam Cut 可以试用任何类型的切割机。Almacam Cut 提供独特的嵌套算法,可满足任何类型的切割需
Almacam Punch 的附加值首先在于软件在编程的每个阶段的强大自动化功能:工具分配、加工序列、嵌套、部分疏散等。 内置筑巢模块可减少材料消耗,同时完全适应冲压约束(工具、工作区域、夹具等)阿尔马卡姆冲床管理所有装卸外设。该软件
阿尔马卡姆组合CAD/CAM软件支持所有品牌的联合激光/冲孔和等离子/钻机。在编程的每个阶段都考虑到了每个技术的特异性:部分准备、嵌套、加工序列、工具轨迹和 NC 代码的生成。软件强大的自动化功能(工具配置、加工序列、筑巢、零件疏散、装卸外
阿尔玛在开发木材、铝和软材料的路由和 2.5 轴加工软件方面获得了专门的专业知识。Almacam 路由 CAD/CAM 软件是针对具有大量嵌套需求的工业企业的高附加值特定解决方案,因此在中小型系列中工作。
Almacam 管 CAD/CAM 软件能够与任何类型的管子和轮廓切割系统(3、4 或 5 轴机与一个或多个旋转轴、用于切割管的机器人化电池)进行交互。它集成了编程过程中的所有步骤:管材和配置文件的 CAD 导入或建模、制造订单的管理、切割