logoX-Ways Software Technology AG


X-Ways Software Technology AG is a business incorporated under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany as a stock corporation. “AG” is an abbreviation of Aktiengesellschaft, which is the German word for a corporation limited by share ownership.

X-Ways is the leading developer and supplier of computer forensics software outside of the US, or, if you consider EnCase and FTK inferior to X-Ways Forensics, maybe worldwide. Our software is used for computer forensics, electronic discovery, data recovery, low-level data processing, and IT security. Plus we offer computer forensics training and courses for our software, and a certification.

X-Ways Forensics是一款全球业界公认的计算机取证综合分析软件,具有功能齐全、性能卓越、界面简洁、操作灵活等技术特点。X-Ways Forensics已经成为众多电子数据取证调查人员喜爱的取证工具之一。
X-Ways Investigator X-Ways Investigator19.0  X-Ways Investigator是一个为执法部门、私人调查机构提供的强大的案件调查、文件分析,汇总报告的平台。本软件主要提供给其他非计算机法