

Since 2010 Solargis has developed and operated platforms enabling fast access to historical, recent, and forecast data for almost any location on the Earth. Our customers value our rigorous and systematic validation approach, resulting in low data uncertainties.

With hundreds of customers worldwide using our photovoltaic software applications and web-based solutions to optimise construction, evaluation and management of solar power assets, our solar resource database has been independently verified as the most accurate and reliable on the market.

Our mission is to:

Supply the most accurate and reliable solar data in the market
Simplify the process of energy assessment
Enable solar investors to maximise profitability
Create transparency and reduce risk throughout the project lifecycle

用于太阳能发电厂的可靠能源建模和设计优化 太阳辐射和气象变量的时间序列是模拟太阳能发电厂能源生产的关键要求。在尽职调查阶段,时间序列可用于了解预期的年度变化、季节性或日内能源发电概况,以及计算P90或其他概率情景的能源估计。 在运营阶段
用于快速可靠的项目预可行性研究的太阳能勘探工具 在预可行性研究阶段,准确估算太阳能潜力至关重要。除了准确的结果外,还需要高效地完成预可行性研究。Solargis 勘探工具 iMaps 和 pvPlanner 可快速访问可靠的太阳能发电量估
提供基于准确的数值天气预报 (NWP) 模型和卫星到辐照度模型的预报。准确的预测与15年以上的太阳能建模经验相结合,
获取无间隙和无错误的太阳辐射数据以进行性能评估可能非常具有挑战性且成本高昂。如果要为跨许多地区的大量光伏系统组合系统地获取此类数据,则更是如此。 定期更新 Solargis 卫星衍生的太阳辐射是一种可靠的替代或补充解决方案。Solargi