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Cyberbotics Ltd. is a company specialized in the field of robot simulation and development. They have developed a software platform called Webots, which is a powerful robot simulation software that provides rich development tools and simulation environments for robot programmers and enthusiasts. Webots can simulate various types of robots, including ground, underwater, and aerial robots, and can simulate different scenarios, such as industrial workshops, home environments, and urban blocks. Additionally, Webots provides a programmable environment that allows users to develop and test robot applications using multiple programming languages, such as C++, Python, and JAVA.

Webots 是一款用于机器人仿真的先进软件,能够为用户提供全球领先的机器人仿真环境和工具,支持多种机器人控制器和编程语言,包括C++、Python、Java和Matlab等。Webots 提供了用户友好的图形用户界面和实时3D仿真模式,使