logoGNU Octave Team


The GNU Octave team is a global volunteer-led open-source community dedicated to developing and maintaining the GNU Octave software. The team has no single leader or organization, but is composed of a group of contributors who work together to provide source code, documentation, user support, and other contributions for GNU Octave.

The GNU Octave team was founded in 1992 with the aim of creating a free and open-source numerical computing software similar to the commercial software MATLAB. Since then, the team has continued to develop and improve GNU Octave, and it has become a powerful and user-friendly mathematical software that can be used for matrix computations, data visualization, statistical analysis, and more.

In addition to the software itself, the GNU Octave team provides various support and resources, including user manuals, help documentation, mailing lists, and community forums. The team encourages anyone to join in the development and contribution efforts to better promote the advancement and innovation of GNU Octave.

The GNU Octave team is a global volunteer-led open-source community dedicated to developing and maintaining the GNU Octave software. The team has no single leader or organization, but is composed of a group of contributors who work together to provide source code, documentation, user support, and other contributions for GNU Octave.

The GNU Octave team was founded in 1992 with the aim of creating a free and open-source numerical computing software similar to the commercial software MATLAB. Since then, the team has continued to develop and improve GNU Octave, and it has become a powerful and user-friendly mathematical software that can be used for matrix computations, data visualization, statistical analysis, and more.

In addition to the software itself, the GNU Octave team provides various support and resources, including user manuals, help documentation, mailing lists, and community forums. The team encourages anyone to join in the development and contribution efforts to better promote the advancement and innovation of GNU Octave.


GNU Octave是一款开源软件,常用于数值计算和科学研究。它提供了一种功能强大、易于使用的高级程序语言,可以实现数据分析、图形绘制、矩阵运算、统计分析等功能。Octave支持多种操作系统,包括Windows、Linux、macOS等,还