logoUltraEdit, Inc.


UltraEdit(最初名为IDM)由Ian D. Mead创立,自1994年以来一直在发布世界一流的软件。IDM 产品赢得了令人垂涎的行业奖项,包括各种编辑选择奖、年度应用奖和人民选择奖。我们的软件因其卓越的编程能力而备受认可,并在众多杂志和教科书中得到了国际报道。

UltraEdit 是文本编辑软件的先驱,在全球拥有超过 400 万用户。UltraEdit 提供一整套产品,包括 UltraEdit、UEStudio、UltraCompare、UltraFinder 和 UltraFTP。UltraEdit 的产品服务的客户范围从个人程序员和初创公司到大型企业和公司,包括宝马、Capital One、CVS Pharmacy、英特尔、Progressive、三星等。

UltraEdit 强调可配置性和易于使用的产品,可在 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 上无缝运行。UltraEdit工具套件中的数百种产品功能使不同的用户能够提高生产力并简化日常任务。UltraEdit致力于提供高质量的产品,将创新和高性能与超值定价和可靠的支持相结合。UltraEdit进一步吸引了需要高安全能力的团队。

2021 年 8 月,UltraEdit 及其基于解决方案的工具套件被 Idera, Inc. 收购。与IDM一样,Idera了解并认可我们成熟的用户社区,并致力于将UltraEdit提升到一个新的成功水平,同时提供惊人的支持。这些协同效应是UltraEdit品牌的标志,IDM和Idera都认识到,通过Idera丰富的资源和丰富的经验,有机会带来直接和积极的业务影响。与Idera的交易使我们能够加速扩大我们的增长和业务。Idera旨在为UltraEdit用户社区提供“面向未来”世界上最好的编辑套件所需的任何和所有资源。尽管领导层易手,但IDM的运营继续照常运作,并得到用户所期望的同样高水平的支持。我们感到自豪的是,我们能够保持对支持我们社区的承诺。我们的客户可以期待Idera在高性能开发工具和世界一流的客户服务方面继续保持行业领先地位!

UltraEdit (started as IDM) was founded by Ian D. Mead and has been publishing world-class software since 1994. IDM products have won coveted industry awards to include various Editor’s Choice Awards, Application of the Year Awards, and People’s Choice Awards. Our software is highly recognized for its programming excellence and is featured internationally in numerous magazines and textbooks.

UltraEdit is a pioneer in text editing software and has over 4 million global users. UltraEdit provides a comprehensive suite of products, including UltraEdit, UEStudio, UltraCompare, UltraFinder and UltraFTP. UltraEdit’s products serve customers ranging from individual programmers and startups to large enterprises and corporations, including BMW, Capital One, CVS Pharmacy, Intel, Progressive, Samsung, and many others.

UltraEdit emphasizes configurability and easy-to-use products that seamlessly work on Windows, Mac and Linux. The many hundreds of product features across UltraEdit’s suite of tools enable diverse users to increase productivity and simplify daily tasks. UltraEdit aspires to provide high quality products that combine innovation and high performance with value pricing and dependable support. UltraEdit further appeals to teams requiring high security capability.

In August 2021, UltraEdit and its solution-based suite of tools was acquired by Idera, Inc. Like IDM, Idera understood and recognized our sophisticated user community and committed to taking UltraEdit to the next level of success while delivering amazing support. These synergies are the hallmark of the UltraEdit brand, and both IDM and Idera recognized an opportunity to bring an immediate and positive business impact via Idera’s wealth of resources and robust experience.The transaction with Idera has allowed us to expand our growth and operations at an accelerated pace. Idera aims to completely blanket the UltraEdit user community with any and all resources necessary to “future-proof” the world’s best editing suite. Although leadership changed hands, IDM’s operations continue to function business-as-usual with the same high levels of support our users have come to expect. We are proud that we’ve been able to maintain our commitment to supporting the community that supports us. Our customers can expect continued sector leadership from Idera with respect to high-performance dev tools and world-class customer service!

UEStudio是将一个强大的 IDE 与 UltraEdit相结合的软件。
UltraSentry 与 UE 和 UES 无缝集成,可以全自动地进行安全的文件管理
UltraEdit 是理想的文本、HTML 和十六进制编辑器,也是高级PHP、Perl、Java 和 JavaScript 程序编辑器。作为行业奖项的获得者,UltraEdit 在所有 32 位 Windows 平台上支持基于磁盘的 64