


大约在1990年哈勃太空望远镜被发射到近地轨道时,Zemax开始提供光学软件和服务,帮助工程师、科学家、研究人员和学生将他们的想法变成现实。从那时起,我们一直忠于创始人Ken Moore博士的愿景:提供坚如磐石的物理架构,秉承卓越和创新的文化,并始终倾听客户的意见。




The optical design industry is moving forward

And we’re leading the way!

Around the time the Hubble Space Telescope was launched into low Earth orbit in 1990, Zemax began delivering optical software and services to help engineers, scientists, researchers, and students bring their ideas into reality. Since then, we’ve remained true to the vision of our founder Dr. Ken Moore: to offer a rock-solid physics architecture, to uphold a culture of excellence and innovation, and to always listen to our customers.

Product teams are under pressure to develop the best products in the shortest time possible. Companies that design optical systems are seeking ways to get to market faster. Modern virtual prototyping is the answer.

Zemax software helps companies get to a qualified design more quickly by streamlining the workflow and communication between optical, mechanical, and manufacturing engineers. Zemax tools include OpticStudio, the industry-leading optical design software, OpticsBuilder, for CAD users packaging optical system, and OpticsViewer for manufacturing engineers. Our software physics core has been relied on by NASA and industry leaders to analyze and validate complete product designs.

In addition to unmatched software value, we offer comprehensive technical support and introductory, advanced, and customized training. Our global team serves customers in English, Japanese, Taiwanese, Chinese, German, French, Italian, and Spanish. With headquarters in the Seattle area and offices in the UK, Japan, Taiwan, and China, we’re proud to have the most passionate, worldwide user base in the industry.

OpticStudio 是光学设计行业内领先的设计软件,其结合了各种复杂的物理以及视觉的互动,使您能够分析、模拟并优化光学系统,以符合公差规范。借由这套软件建立个各种光学、照明以及激光系統,使用者能省下大量成本与时间。以可制造性设计的核心理
LensMechanix让产品研发流程过程更顺畅,加速产品的上市,并借由简化SOLIDWORKS和 OpticStudio之间的转化流程,从而减少开发成本。
OpticsBuilder简化光学设计的封装流程,帮助光学工程师与CAD工程师高效协作,并能直观地展示光机零件的光学性能。 OpticsBuilder™ 是一款帮助OpticStudio® 用户改善光机零件封装流程的软件。将光学设计转化为
Zemax OpticsViewer 让设计与生产无缝衔接。Zemax 致力于帮助客户设计出先进的光学产品,并将其更快地推向市场。Zemax OpticStudio 擅长进行光学设计,而 Zemax 公司最新推出的 OpticsViewer
Zemax OpticStudio是一套综合性的光学设计软件。它提供先进的、且符合工业标准的光学设计、分析、优化以及公差分析功能,能够快速准确的完成光学成像及照明系统的设计。Zemax OpticStudio 是光学设计行业内领先的设计软件