logoMIDAS Information Technology Co., Ltd.


The prime focus of MIDAS Information Technology Co., Ltd. (MIDAS IT) includes civil/structural/mechanical engineering software development along with analysis & design support.

The MIDAS Programs have been developed since 1989 and used commercially since 1996. Their reliability has been established through applying them over a countless number of real projects.

The company was officially incorporated in September 1, 2000, and it was formerly operated under the auspices of POSCO Group. MIDAS IT also has corporate offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Detroit, Dallas, Europe, India and Japan.

MIDAS IT consists of structural software developers and professional engineers with significant practical experience. Currently, over 250 developers and structural engineers with extensive experience support the company. One of our strengths is to respond to the needs of the practicing engineers extremely fast.

In addition to engineering software development, the company also provides engineering consulting services, which include Automatic Design Solution Development, Value Engineering, Safety Engineering, Design Consulting, special purpose S/W Development and Structural Design of major and specialty structures.

midas FEA是“目前唯一全部中文化的土木专用非线性及细部分析软件”,它的几何建模和网格划分技术采用了在土木领域中已经被广泛应用的前后处理软件midas FX+的核心技术,同时融入了MIDAS强大的线性、非线性分析内核,并与荷兰TNO
midas GTS NX(New eXperience of Geo-Technical analysis System)是一款针对岩土领域研发的通用有限元分析软件,支持静力分析、动力分析、渗流分析、应力-渗流耦合分析、固结分析、施工阶段分
midas SmartBDS是集建模、分析、设计和施工图绘制为一体的智能化桥梁解决方案,它提供直观友好的操作界面,并且采用了尖端的桥梁结构分析设计、计算机图形处理、施工图纸绘制等技术。midas SmartBDS集成了PSC箱梁(横梁)、R
midas XD 基坑一体化设计软件是针对土木基坑领域中的一款综合性设计软件,提供建模、分析、设计、施工图、工程量统计等一体化整体解决方案。可适用于岩土、建筑、桥梁基坑的设计,能够通过便捷的前处理建模功能,自动完成分析、设计、出图、工程量统
midas SoilWorks提供二维岩土工程整体解决方案,覆盖隧道、边坡、软弱地基、基础、渗流以及动力分析等各种领域,并符合实际工程习惯及满足设计验算的需求。
midas Gen具有人性化的操作界面,并且采用了卓越的计算机显示技术,是建筑领域通用结构分析及优化设计系统。以用户为中心的便捷的输入功能,在大型模型的建模、分析及设计过程中为您提供卓越的便利性和生产性。内置了多样的分析功能和国内外规范,为
midas NFX是一款集结构、流体仿真与优化设计于一体的通用有限元(CAE)分析软件。其内置的前后处理器由具备20年CAE软件开发经验的高级机械工程师设计,为用户提供最有效、最精确的分析功能。