logoMechanical Simulation Corporation


Mechanical Simulation Corporation is the world leader in the development and distribution of advanced software used to simulate vehicle behavior involving interactions between the 3D dynamic vehicle response, advanced, controllers, driver controls, and 3D roads. Established in 1996, Mechanical Simulation provides car, truck and motorcycle simulation packages, training and ongoing support worldwide to more than 110 OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers, and over 200 universities and government research groups. We also provide the vehicle dynamics models used in more than 1400 driving simulators. The Ann Arbor, Michigan, headquarters coordinates with global sales agents who provide local distribution and tech support for our software.

The simulation structure for the software is called VehicleSim (VS). CarSim, TruckSim, and BikeSim are VehicleSim products that provide the most accurate and realistic predictions that are possible, in a form that can be easily used by most engineers and technical staff. Each package includes the VS Browser (GUI and database management), VS Visualizer (animation and plotting), on-line help, and VS Solver programs for the detailed math models. The math models run alone or with third-party simulation software such as Simulink, LabVIEW, ETAS ASCET, and others.

VS Solvers run on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows OS faster than real time, and are available on many third-part real-time systems for hardware in the loop (HIL) testing. The CarSim and TruckSim math models are also used in driving simulators, ranging from inexpensive PC-based systems to full-motion simulators.

SuspensionSim is the fourth VehicleSim product. While sharing the architecture, GUI, database, and visualization tools of the other products, it differs by providing a multibody program that calculates quasi-static equilibrium conditions for suspensions in cars, trucks, and motorcycles.

CarSim软件用于仿真及分析车辆在不同3D路面上,对驾驶控制之反应,适用车种包括轿车、轻型卡车及休旅车等。CarSim将所有预测车辆动态行为所需之工具整合 于一,不但累积数十年于车辆动态研究之经验,使其模拟结果具高度准确性与效度,更结合现
TruckSim 为模拟多轴商用车和军用车辆的性能提供了最准确、最详细、最有效的方法。凭借二十多年的实际验证,TruckSim普遍是分析车辆动力学,开发主动控制器,计算卡车性能特征以及设计下一代主动安全系统的首选工具。
SuspensionSim模拟应用于悬架系统的准静态运动学和合规性(K&C)测试。SuspensionSim在几个方面与车辆仿真产品BikeSim,CarSim和TruckSim不同。SuspensionSim 不是将预定义的参数化程序与特