

GeneMarker® software is unique genotype analysis software which integrates new technologies that enhance speed, accuracy and ease of analyses. The biologist-friendly software is an excellent alternative to: Applied BioSystems GeneMapper® software, or MRC Holland’s Coffalyser.Net software. GeneMarker software is compatible with output files from all major sequencing systems, including ABI®PRISM, Applied Biosystems SeqStudio™, and Promega Spectrum Compact CE Systems genetic analyzers, as well as custom primers or commercially available 4-6 dye chemistries. GeneMarker software’s Windows® 7-10 based operation simplifies analyses for clinical and basic research in agriculture/wildlife applications.

GeneMarker是国际生物信息学相关研究分析领域应用十分广泛的 DNA片断分析软件,旨在为领域科研人员、司法刑侦人员提供一个精确、快速、友好、自动化的数据分析平台。
Mutation Surveyor是一个强大和准确的DNA测序分析工具,用于桑格测序文件产生的以下电泳系统
NextGENe 软件在一个独立多应用包中采用了独特的平台特定技术。
ChimerMarker集成了速度和准确性与生物学家友好的界面。该软件可用于监测异体干细胞移植(SCT)或造血干细胞移植(HSCT)、骨髓移植(BMT、骨髓移植后) 以及脐带和外周造血干细胞移植 (PBSCT) 样本中的幻想水平。